Being virtually present, Azadi challenges the ways in which our culture values women who are mothers and artists. Drawing inspiration from Marina Abramovic’s performance, The Artist Is Present, Azadi uses her body as a way to critique a system that is not fully supportive of mothers. The gaze of the viewer never engages the gaze of the mother/artist as she is critiquing the transparency of motherhood within gallery spaces. The collapse of two spaces, virtual space of the mother’s home and the gallery space, and the collapse of two beings, the mother and the artist, brings the question of our place as viewers within this work.
What are the spaces that artists’ bodies exist in? What are the spaces that mother’s bodies exist in? What are the spaces that mother-artists exist in?
What are the spaces that artists’ bodies exist in? What are the spaces that mother’s bodies exist in? What are the spaces that mother-artists exist in?