Wants to Want
Wants to Want is a collaborative dance performance between me and artist Hanna M. Owens. We change the already painted picture of a woman in a burka as something frightening to something captivating. Two women, two feminists push and pull power constantly to show desire; desire that is forbidden; desires should be hidden; desire is private.
Crafting our own score by slowing down a Muslim call to prayer, we embarked on a pursuit of self-affirmed desire, imagined to exist outside of any engendered expectations placed upon the body. In a call and response, an effort to shield, a warm embrace, I cloaked in a floor length burka and Owens nude, we used choreographed and improvisational movements to explore the complexity of the feminine within and simultaneously removed from a cultural context: hiding and revealing, desiring and withholding. All these dance moves were inspired by a Persian traditional dance from South of Iran as well as Sufi dance called Sama.
Crafting our own score by slowing down a Muslim call to prayer, we embarked on a pursuit of self-affirmed desire, imagined to exist outside of any engendered expectations placed upon the body. In a call and response, an effort to shield, a warm embrace, I cloaked in a floor length burka and Owens nude, we used choreographed and improvisational movements to explore the complexity of the feminine within and simultaneously removed from a cultural context: hiding and revealing, desiring and withholding. All these dance moves were inspired by a Persian traditional dance from South of Iran as well as Sufi dance called Sama.
Photos are not available for the public audience.
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